米国大使館の首席公使らとJ-Win Executiveネットワーク、男性ネットワークメンバーによる意見交換会が開催されました

8月26日(月)、駐日米国大使館 大使公邸にて、女性として初の駐日米国大使館首席公使に着任されたキャサリン・モナハン氏、在日米国大使館 経済・科学担当公使エヴァン・フェルシング氏を含む外交官4名と、横尾理事長、Executiveネットワークメンバー代表2名、男性ネットワークメンバー代表1名による意見交換会が開催されました。
米国において8月26日は、104年前のこの日に初めて女性市民に選挙権が与えられたことを記念する”Women‘s Equality Day“。 このシンボリックな日に、会では “Allyship”(アライシップ)をテーマに、日本におけるダイバーシティ推進の状況や目指すべき方向性、また日本が掲げる女性活躍推進を実現するため「両国のメンバーは共に何に取り組めるのか」について、本音の議論がなされました。
「Equality isn’t a zero-sum game, it’s a collective win.」
<Members of J-Win Executive Network and Men's Network exchanged opinions with the Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo>
On August 26, at the Ambassador's Residence of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, a roundtable was held with four diplomats, including Ms. Katherine Monahan, the first female Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Japan, and Mr. Evan Felsing, Minister-Counselor for Economic and Scientific Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Japan, along with Keisuke Yokoo, President and Representative Director of J-Win, two Executive Network members and one Men’s Network member of J-Win.
In the United States, August 26th is “Women's Equality Day”, commemorating the day when women citizens were for the first time given the right to vote on this day 104 years ago. On this symbolic day, the participants had honest discussion about the situation of promoting diversity in Japan and what members of both countries should work on together to realize the promotion of women’s active participation. Participants also exchanged their opinions and ideas on “Allyship”,.
At the opening of the meeting, Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, gave a powerful message, saying “Equality isn’t a zero-sum game, it’s a collective win”. His words gave a boost to J-Win members who aim to lead the promotion of women's activities and contribute to the further development of their companies and Japan.
After the roundtable, there was a casual networking time including observer members of J-Win and other embassy staffs. It was a remarkable kick-off for both members, and the participants deepened understanding of the situation of each country and brought back “the homework” to further promote D&I together from now on.