

2024年度 J-Win Executive ネットワーク 7月度定例会兼駐日女性大使招聘イベントを開催しました

2024年度の定例会のテーマは 「グローバル環境下における日本が解決すべき課題を深堀する」と「最先端テクノロジーの動向を学ぶ」です。


J-Win内で広く参加を募り、Next Stageネットワークメンバー、D&I推進担当者、男性ネットワークメンバーを合わせ、会場49名、WEB58名、計107名が、同時通訳を活用して参加しました。



  • 国の代表として活躍されている女性リーダーのお話を直接聞ける機会を得たことは、代えがたい経験となりました。
  • ダイバーシティの課題は世界各国ごとに様々あるものの、日本の文化や国民性が先進国の中でもダイバーシティの遅れの原因に繋がっているのではないかと再認識しました。
  • DEIに長い期間をかけて様々取り組まれてきたことを伺い、日本においてもあきらめずに続けることが重要と再認識いたしました。
  • J-Winとの、メンタリング等の過去から蓄積した関係が反映された有意義かつ心温まるイベントだったと思います。
  • 大使のお話をお伺いして、これまで育てていただいた教えや経験を後輩へしっかりと受け継いで行くことが必要だと、強く認識しました。

J-Win Executive Network July Regular Meeting with Ambassador of Women to Japan

[Event Report]
The event took place on July 10th (Wednesday) both at the venue (Kioi Forum) and online.
The theme of the regular meeting for the 2024 fiscal year was "Delving into the Challenges Japan Should Solve in the Global Environment" and "Learning about the Trends in Cutting-Edge Technology."
For this regular meeting, we invited two female ambassadors (Ambassador of Bulgaria and Ambassador of Ghana) who have been supporting us through mentoring. The theme was "What should Japanese women do to thrive and make a social impact," and it was conducted in a panel discussion format.
We invited numerous guests from the Embassies of Finland, Mexico, Serbia, and the United States, and made it accessible within J-Win. Next Stage Network members, D&I promoters, and male network members also participated, with a total of 107 attendees, including 49 at the venue and 58 online participants using simultaneous interpretation.
During the panel discussion, the Ambassador of Bulgaria spoke about the importance of female executives giving back to younger generations and students in terms of female empowerment and education. The Ambassador of Ghana provided deep insights into their own growth and the potential for success, involving both men and women. Furthermore, we received a video message from the ambassador of Mexico, who introduced the history of quota system and women's empowerment until the first female president takes office this year.
At the end of the event, messages from ambassadors of various countries were introduced by the guest participants, and the participants of the Japan Women Executive were encouraged. "

Participant comments (excerpts from the survey)
  • It was an irreplaceable experience to have the opportunity to hear directly from a female leader who is active as a representative of her country.
  • Although diversity issues vary from country to country around the world, I was reminded that Japan's culture and national character may be the cause of the lag in diversity even among developed countries.
  • After hearing about various efforts in DE&I over a long period of time, I reaffirmed the importance of continuing without giving up in Japan.
  • I think it was a meaningful and heartwarming event that reflected the relationship that has been accumulated over the past such as mentoring between J-Win and the ambassadors.
  • After listening to the Ambassador's talk, I strongly realized that it is necessary to pass on the teachings and experiences I have heard so far to my juniors.