3 layer system for D&I promotion

D&I Promotion in Companies

J-Win is supporting the promotion of diversity management as a management strategy

J-Win is helping to develop female leaders and promote D&I in companies. In addition to D&I Promotion Managers Meetings, which were started in 2009, we launched the Men’s Network—for which male managers act as Change Agents—in 2017 as well as CEO Meetings / Execution Leader’s Meetings, which are handled by the top management, in 2021.

CEO Meeting / Execution Leader’s Meeting

Accelerating D&I promotion as a management strategy

CEO Meetings position diversity and inclusion (called D&I below) as a management strategy, and the meeting structure is handled by the top management. Under this system, CEOs react to the realities of promoting women’s advancement, identify the fundamental issues, execute action plans based on discussions, and employ strong leadership to ensure that D&I promotion leads to concrete results.
Execution Leader’s Meetings consist of officers in charge of D&I promotion, and they play roles that include following up on the progress of CEO Meetings and providing support to help execute action plans.

Program Content Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
CEO Meeting
Execution Leader’s Meeting

Men’s Network

Acting as Change Agents for D&I promotion

The Men’s Network was launched in 2017 targeting male managers at member companies. Through groupwork, dialogues, and round table discussions, they are given a better understanding of the essential value of D&I promotion, and have the opportunity to think about and implement actions and measures that they as men should undertake to better promote the advancement of women in the workplace.

Program Content Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Monthly meetings
Work group activities “bunka-kai” report

What is an old boys’ network?

An informal set of conventions, rules, and ways of doing work cultivated at a successful organization or company. These sets of unwritten cultural rules and atmospheres essentially underpin such organizations.

D&I Promotion Managers Meetings

Diversity promotion manager / PIC network

These meetings—which include the activation of monthly meetings and study groups to increase the value of our network while also enhancing our proposal functions based on the 3 layer system for D&I promotion—are held in order to find ways to help accelerate D&I promotion within member companies.
These meetings are held in order to find ways of helping accelerate D&I promotion within member companies. Through each program, the meetings serve as a forum for individuals from companies in the same positions but different industries to engage in closer interaction, deepen their understanding of D&I promotion, and expand their networks.

Program Content Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
D&I Promotion Managers Meetings
Best practice study group activities

Best practice study group

Member companies share examples of promoting the taking of childcare leave by men, training female senior managers, etc. in order to obtain hints on measures to take at their own companies.

Issue study group

Member companies consider and propose solutions for common issues that are difficult to tackle.

Corporate officer meetings

This is our corporate officer network of chief executives in charge of promoting diversity at each company. This network was started in fiscal 2022 in order to further accelerate D&I promotion at member companies.