Catalyst is happy to share the good news that our discussions with J-Win have resulted in recognizing J-Win as a Catalyst “Sister Organization”. As a Sister Organization, J-Win and Catalyst will share knowledge about the advancement of women in the work place in Japan and globally, with J-Win taking on the Japanese translation responsibility for select Catalyst research reports. In addition, J-Win members will be invited to participate in the annual Benchmarking research project, a key benefit that Catalyst offers to all of its members. The results of this research will provide J-Win members with insights into company practices in the area of diversity and inclusion and the ability to compare themselves to other companies around the world.
Catalyst is also happy to invite J-Win members to participate in one other global or multi-year research project, still to be decided. Catalyst is hopeful that the Sister relationship between Catalyst and J-Win will flourish and grow stronger through the participation in these research projects.
Today, we congratulate J-Win in the launch of its new beginning and look forward to sharing in its success!
Ilene H. Lang
現在370社以上の会員企業を有し、それら会員企業、ビジネススクール、および関連協会との密接な関係を通じて、変化し続けるビジネス界のニーズに応えています。また、Catalystは職場における女性問題について豊富な資料を持ち、先進的な情報源として世界的に認められています。さらに、女性の活躍を促進するビジネスイニシャティブを取った企業を顕彰する「Catalyst アワード・ディナー」は、広く知られています。
Catalystの活動についての詳細情報はこちら → http://www.catalyst.org/